Kamis, 07 April 2011

Sucking Able to Save Women From Breast Cancer

On Saturday (19/03/2011) has spread from the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), about how to prevent breast. In the fuel, said breast cancer could be prevented if it continues sucked by his mate. In these fuels, the data is taken from the BBC's international news sites and the Ministry of Health of England. Here are the contents of the fuel to prevent breast cancer by sucking. In the near future maybe there will be women who want to pay people, especially men to suck their breasts?

In a BBC Homepage Top News Story: Doctors recommend that women who breast aspirated regularly would be very nice to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

It also said that sucking breasts regularly will reduce the level of risk that tends to lead to the development of breast cancer.

Breasts should be vacuumed as often as possible, it is believed will help women fight breast cancer.

For the men, please do your part, and start sucking women's breasts and for women now go ahead to start this therapy and invite your partner to do the job of course you have to let the matter go!

This message was created by the Department of Health with the theme "Fighting Breast Cancer. "

If you believe in the results of this study it (the men) be honest that you would be happy then stick to the results of this research.

If necessary you can humbly submit themselves to help women by helping women to save his life from cancer ronrongan.

So-so you send this to all the people in charge and told the women to be aware of this high risk. This is either true or not.


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